
Struggling to Optimize Your RAG Setup? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Not sure if you chunked your data right to enable optimal context retrieval?

Not sure which embedding model will work best for your data?

Donโ€™t worry, youโ€™re not alone..

A RAG has several moving parts: data ingestion, retrieval, re-ranking, generation etc.. Each part comes with numerous options.

If we consider a toy example, where you could choose from:

  • 5 different chunking methods,
  • 5 different chunk sizes,
  • 5 different embedding models,
  • 5 different retrievers,
  • 5 different re-rankers/ compressors
  • 5 different prompts
  • 5 different LLMs

๐Ÿ‘‰ Thatโ€™s 78,125 distinct RAG configurations!

If you could try evaluating each one in just 5 mins, thatโ€™d still take 271 days of non-stop trial-and-error effort! In short, itโ€™s kinda impossible to find your optimal RAG setup manually.

So, how do you determine the most optimal RAG configuration for your data and use-case?

Use hyperparameter tuning - an ML technique for identifying the optimal values for your parameters when thereโ€™s a large set of possible values.

But, how do you do it without writing a bunch of code to do hyperparameter tuning?

I stumbled upon this tool โ€˜RAGBuilderโ€™ that takes your data as an input, and runs hyperparameter tuning on the various RAG parameters (like chunk size, embedding etc.) evaluating multiple configs, and shows you a dashboard where you can see the top performing RAG setup, and in 1-click generate the code for that RAG setup.

So you can go from your RAG use-case to production-grade RAG setup in just minutes.

Best part, itโ€™s open source with active contributors.

Check out the RAGBuilder Github repo ๐Ÿ‘‰

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.